Flies for Spring Coarse Fish
When the Chub season is closed in the spring, why not scale down and target Roach and Dace?
Fly Fishing for Chub
For me, fly-fishing is the most rewarding way to catch Chub on small rivers and streams, here’s how I do it.
Blonde Rabbit
The Blonde Rabbit wet fly / nymph is bushy, buggy Chub fly.
The Hedgehog
The Hedgehog dry fly is tied to imitate a small piece of bread.
Partridge Soft Hackles
These flies are tied with no added weight, relying on the current to keep them just below the surface when fished accross the flow and allowed to drift down stream.
Orange Soft Hackle Spider
Inspired by fly-tyers from years gone by in the north of England, these soft hackle patterns are tied simply with thread, tinsel and a hackle feather.
Chub Flies
These are flies tied and recommended for fly-fishing for Chub on small rivers and streams
Fry Fly
The Fry Fly nymph is an attractor style nymph pattern used to tempt Perch and Chub.
Pilsen Drayman Soft Hackle
This is the wet, soft hackle spider version of the Pilsen Drayman dry fly.
Shiny Caddis Larva
This Shiny Caddis Larva is more of an attractor style nymph and is probably not taken as a caddis but as an interesting looking snack.
Radbuza Foam Beetle
The Radbuza Foam Beetle is a handy fly to have in your box when the Chub are feeding on terrestrials.