Pilsen Drayman Soft Hackle
This is the wet, soft hackle spider version of the Pilsen Drayman dry fly.
Shiny Caddis Larva
This Shiny Caddis Larva is more of an attractor style nymph and is probably not taken as a caddis but as an interesting looking snack.
Radbuza Foam Beetle
The Radbuza Foam Beetle is a handy fly to have in your box when the Chub are feeding on terrestrials.
Big Bertha Soft Hackle
The Big Bertha Soft Hackle is a spider style fly, weighted or unweighted, tied on a large hook and using pheasant tail for the body and Partridge for the hackle.
Pheasant Tail 23
The Pheasant Tail 23 is a short nymph tied with a pheasant tail body and tail, wrapped with gold wire and topped with a rabbit fur collar.
Summer’s Redtag Nymph
The Summer’s Redtag Nymph is lightly weighted with a very small brass bead. Despite the name, it’s an effective year-round pattern.
The Misty K
The Misty K brasshead nymph is another in my collection of soft hackled weighted nymphs. This is another attractor Chub fly.
Yellow Deer Hair Caddis
This Yellow Deer Hair Caddis dry fly is tied large to attract our Chub and is particularly effective in Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Jessica’s Rainbow
Jessica’s Rainbow is a small streamer bug used to attract hungry Chub.