The Red Butt Doofer

The Red Butt Doofer
Red Butt Doofer

This is an excellent wet fly to use all year round. It’s attractive to most species of fish found in European rivers and is irresistable to small-river Chub.

Target Species

Other than Chub, the Doofer will attract Barbel, Tench, Dace, Vimba and many other species including Trout.


It can be fished using any wet fly or nymph method – up or down stream although I prefer to cast it down stream and let it drift accross the current (with a gentle tug from time to time).

Due to the 3.3mm tungsten bead and lead wire used in it’s pattern, it is particularly useful in faster waters but can be tied with lighter brass beads or with no added weight at all – in which case it would be an excellent choice for traditional wet fly fishing.



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